CSE012/CS059 – Data Mining

Fall 2015







Free pass policy: To deal with overlapping deadlines between courses, each one of you has 4 “free passes” when handing in an assignment. That is, you have 4 days that you can use for extending the deadline whenever there is a problem. A free pass is used (if you want) when the assignment is submitted after the deadline. If more than 24 hours have passed then a second free pass is used. If you do not have a free pass (or if you do not want to use one) then the late assignment policy is applied.

Late assignment policy: The first day of delay removes 10% of the maximum possible grade, the second day 20%, the third 40%, and the fourth 80%. In the fifth day you lose 100% of the assignment.

Turn-in: You can turn-in the assignment using the command: turnin assignmentΧ@ple059 <your files>. Give self-explanatory names to your files, and write your name and AM in the files. The last turn-in is the one that will be graded and if it is late the late assignment policy is applied.

Reports: In some assignments you will be asked to write a short report about your code, or about the results you obtain. For the code, you need to shortly describe how the code is structured, and how one can run the code. For the results, you need to look at what the code produces and write your observations: How well did you do with respect to what you set out to do? Did you find something interesting? Are there cases to which you should draw the reader’s attention? This is a very important part of the assignment. You assignment will be marked based on the report as well.


September Exam Assignment

You can download Assignment here. The deadline for the assignment is September 27 by the end of the day. Turn in the code in the folder september.


Assignment 4

You can download Assignment 4 here. The deadline for the assignment on February 12 by the end of the day. Turn in the code in the folder assignment4. For the last question you will need to use again the Kaggle account you created for the previous assignment.


Assignment 3

You can download Assignment 3 here. The deadline for the assignment on January 10 by the end of the day. Turn in the code in the folder assignment3. For the second question you will need the file bid_cat.csv, and for the third question the files bid_class.csv and bid_rid.csv. For the third question you will need to submit a solution to the Kaggle competition for the class (here is the link to the competition), which has the same deadline as the assignment. Create a Kaggle account with the department email, so as to have access to the competition. The link to the competition may not be accessible until the competition is reviewed by the moderators.


Assignment 2

You can download Assignment 2 here. The deadline for the assignment on December 6 by the end of the day. Turn in the code in the folder assignment2.

Assignment 1 – part 2

You can download the first part of Assignment 1 here and the files data1.csv and data2.csv. The deadline for this part of the assignment is at the beginning of the class on November 12th. Turn in the code in the folder assignment1b.

Assignment 1 – part 1

You can download the first part of Assignment 1 here. The deadline for this part of the assignment is at the beginning of the class on November 5th. Turn in the code in the folder assignment1a. You can turn in the rest of the assignment electronically, or on paper.