Welcome to I.P.AN. Website!
The Information Processing and Analysis (I.P.AN.) research group is an active research team within the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Ioannina, Greece. I.P.AN. focuses on problem solving and innovative application development on processing, analysis and modelling of any type of information such as documents, signals, video and medical data.
Research Activities
The members of the group have been performing research in the following fields:
- Artificial Intelligence - Intelligent Agents
- Bioinformatics Medical
- Signal and Image Analysis
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning
- Data Mining
- Multimedia Information Processing, Analysis and Retrieval
- Pattern Recognition
- Neural Networks Robotics
- Signal and Image Processing
- Robotics
The group is equipped, among others, with three autonomous robotic platforms with cameras and laser and ultrasonic sensors.
I.P.AN. is in close collaboration with the Optima (Optimization, Modelling and Applications) research group of the department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Ioannina.
The research results of our group members are published in top rank journals and conferences of the respective research domains such as ΙΕΕΕ Transactions on: Neural Networks, Image Processing, Multimedia, Circuits & Systems for Video Technology, Medical Imaging, Information Technology in Biomedicine, CVPR, NIPS, ΑΑΑΙ, ΙCML, ECML, ICDM etc. Also, I.P.AN. members have been involved as General Chairs and/or Technical Program Chairs in the organization of international conferences such as ECML/PKDD 2011, DSP 2013, SETN 2014.