
Online Social Networks and Media




Slides & References

Reading Material


Project Report Guidelines


You can find some guidelines for the project report here. Make sure that you start the report early!


Paper Presentation Guidelines


The presentations will be evaluated based on the quality of the presentation, and the comprehension of the material covered. The following are some guidelines, tips and advice for preparing your presentation.

·        You have 20 minutes for the presentation (1 student group) and 25 minutes (2-student group). We will enforce the time limit and cut you off if you have not completed it on time. 10 more minutes will be allocated for questions. We may randomly pick someone from the audience to ask a question, so everyone should pay attention.

·        You should prepare around 20-25 slides, given that a slide takes around a minute to talk about on average.

·        Break you presentation into thematic units. The following flow is very common:

1.      Motivate why the problem is important and give a high level idea;

2.      Define clearly the problem;

3.      Present the main idea and the fundamental algorithms;

4.      Present the results (experimental or theoretical or both);

5.      Conclusions.

·        The talk should be self-contained. Do not assume that the audience has read the paper, or some previous work that you consider known. Define all the concepts you need and all the notation that you use. Refer only to related work that you know.

·        Since the time for the talk is short, you will need to focus on the important parts of the paper and avoid going through all the details. The goal is to give a summary of the paper and have a clear message. Just because you read the full paper, it does not mean that you should present everything. At the same time, you should not skip important information. Focusing on the right part to present is important since it shows that you understood the paper well.

·        Prepare the slides carefully. Do not add too much text, and only the necessary math. Do not use full sentences, but rather keywords and short phrases. Make sure the slides are readable and not too loaded. Never ever project parts of the paper pdf.

·        Practice! Good talks are the result of a lot of practice even if they seem spontaneous and fun to the audience. Practice the talk several times, and time yourself to make sure you are within the time bounds.


Some fun advice (to avoid) on how to give a bad talk (and more) here.




The list of projects is available here. The projects will be done in teams of at most two students. Send an email to both instructors with the names of the team members, and your selection by Friday 15/12/2023.


Deliverables and Timeline:


Wednesday, 20/12/2023


A one-page project proposal outlining what you plan to do. This should include the topic (and papers) of your presentation. 

A 15’ presentation of the project proposal

Wednesday, 10/1/2024

Wednesday, 17/1/2024

Paper presentations 1

Paper presentations 2

Wednesday, 7/2/2024


Submit GitHub page:

o   Source code of the project

o   Datasets

o   Project report



Assignment 2


Due December 6th in class.


In this assignment you will experiment with network embeddings for community detection and link prediction. For the assignment you will use the DBLP dataset you used for the second part of Assignment 1. The assignment has two parts.


A.   Compute the node2vec embeddings for the nodes in the graph and apply the k-means clustering algorithm to obtain communities of nodes. Evaluate the communities in the same way as in Assignment 1. Compare your results with those you obtained with the community detection algorithms. Briefly comment on the results


(Bonus) Experiment with more clustering algorithms for finding communities.


B.   For this part of the assignment, you will use the node2vec embedding for link prediction. Specifically, you will build a binary classifier that will predict the probability of existence of an edge e = (u, v) given the embedding of nodes u and v as input. First, remove a set S of edges from the original graph.  The goal will be to predict S, that is, S is the test set for your classifier. Let G’ be the graph where the edges in S have been removed. Compute the node2vec embeddings for G’.  These are the embeddings that will be used for the classification. Check the node2vec paper for ways to combine these embeddings to create the features for the classifier. To train the classifier use as positive class, a set of edges that exist in G’ and as a negative class, a set of randomly selected pairs of nodes that are note connected in G. The size of the negative class should be the same as that of the positive class. Report the AUC when S includes 20%, 25% and 30% of the edges of the original graph. You may experiment with different ways to combine the embeddings for producing the classifier features.


Create a Jupyter Notebook with the code you have written, the output of your code, and any commentary you have on your results. You can either write your own code or use implementations provided by SNAP, NetworkX, or other sources. It is recommended to use existing libraries. Specify this in your report. Export your notebook to HTML and submit both the notebook and the HTML file. The assignments should be done in teams of at most two students.


(Bonus) Experiment with additional embedding algorithms and evaluate the performance for the two tasks above.



Assignment 1


Due November 22 in class.


In this assignment you will experiment with network measurements and models, and community detection algorithms. For the assignment you will create a Jupyter Notebook which will contain code you have written, the output of your code, and any commentary you have on your results. You can either write your own code or use implementations provided by SNAP, NetworkX, or other sources. It is recommended to use existing libraries. Specify this in your report. Export your notebook to HTML and submit both the notebook and the HTML file. The assignments should be done in teams of at most two students.


The assignment has two parts.


A. For the first part of the assignment you will experiment with network measurements and network generation models.

You will consider the following graphs (treat all graphs as undirected graphs):

(1) The Wiki-Vote and the ego-Facebook graph from the SNAP dataset repository.

(2) An (undirected) Erdos-Renyi random graph.

(3) An (undirected) graph generated using preferential attachment.

(4) A graph generated using the forest fire model.


The number of nodes of the generated graphs and (when possible) the (expected) number of edges of each of the synthetically generated graphs should be the same to one of the Wiki-Vote graph.


For these graphs:

a. Plot the degree distributions for each graph. Produce 3 plots (simple distribution, cumulative distribution, zipf).  All plots should be in log-log scale. (Use the grid option to put all plots per dataset in the same line)

b. Compute and report the effective diameter for all graphs.

c. Compute and report the clustering co-efficient for all graphs.


Briefly comment on the results.



B. For the second part of the assignment you will experiment with community detection algorithms. For this question, you will use the DBLP10 dataset that includes publications from computer science conferences between 2006 and 2015. Nodes correspond to authors. There is an edge between two authors if they have written an article together. The following information is available:


Co-authorship: Data in the form (id1, id2) meaning that author with id1 co-authored an article with author with id2.


Authors: Data in the form (id, n) indicating that the author (node) with identifier id has name n.


Label: Data in the form (id, c) indicating that author with identifier id wrote a paper at conference c. Hence, the label of each author (node of your graph) is a set of conferences.


(a) Find communities in these graphs using a modularity-based algorithm. Report the number of clusters, the size and modularity of each cluster. If necessary, experiment with different numbers of clusters to improve the quality of the clusters.


(b) (Optional) Use the labels of the users to evaluate the homogeneity of the clusters. For each pair of clusters Ci and Cj, compute the average similarity between the labels of ai and aj, where ai is an author in Ci and aj is an author in Cj. Use the Jaccard index to measure similarity ( Report your findings using m × m matrix where m is the number of clusters.