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[J1] E. G. Datsika, A. V. Katsenou, L. P. Kondi, E. Papapetrou and K. E. Parsopoulos, "Joint Quality Enhancement and Power Control for Wireless Visual Sensor Networks based on the Nash Bargaining Solution", Elsevier Digital Signal Processing, (in press, doi: 10.1016/j.dsp.2015.12.016).
[J2] A. V. Katsenou, L. P. Kondi, and K. E. Parsopoulos, "Motion-Related Resource Allocation in Dynamic Wireless Visual Sensor Network Environments", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.23, issue 1, pp.56-68. [pdf]





[C6] A. V. Katsenou, L. P. Kondi, and E. Papapetrou, "Distortion-aware Joint Scheduling and Resource Allocation for Wireless Video Transmission", in 21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2013), Marrakech, Morroco. [pdf]
[C5] A. V. Katsenou, E. G. Datsika, L. P. Kondi, E. Papapetrou and K. E. Parsopoulos, "Power-Aware QoS Enhancement in Multihop DS-CDMA Visual Sensor Networks", in 2013 International Conference on Signal Processing (DSP 2013), Santorini, Greece.[pdf]
[C4] A. V. Katsenou, L. P. Kondi, K. E. Parsopoulos and E. S. Bentley, "Quality-driven Power Control and Resource Allocation in Wireless Multi-rate Visual Sensor Networks", in 2012 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP2012), Orlando, Florida USA.[pdf]
[C3] E. G. Datsika, A. V. Katsenou, L. P. Kondi, E. Papapetrou and K. E. Parsopoulos, "Priority-based Cross-layer Optimization for Multihop DS-CDMA Visual Sensor Networks", in 2012 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP2012), Orlando, Florida USA.[pdf]
[C2] A. V. Katsenou, L. P. Kondi and K. E. Parsopoulos, "On the use of clustering for resource allocation in wireless visual sensor networks", in Visual Information Processing and Communication III, in the Proceedings of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, January 2012. [pdf]
[C1] A. V. Katsenou, L. P. Kondi and K. E. Parsopoulos, "Resource Management for Wireless Visual Sensor Networks Based on Individual Video Characteristics", 2011 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP2011), Brussels, Belgium. [pdf]