Digital Library For VIDEO Storing, Processing & SUMmarization
Welcome to  VIDEOSUM
A Digital Library for VIDEO Storing, Processing & SUMmarization.

The basic idea of the project is to complete research on video alaysis and develop an application that would allow companies, organizations producing audiovisual data, broadcasters, professional filmmakers and anyone interested in video editing, to organize easily and effectively audiovisual data and automatically create summaries of unedited/edited video. The modeling, representation, summarization, indexing, retrieval and browsing of video data w.r.t to visual content will be the basic research of VIDEO-SUM project.

The application to be developed will provide description, organization, search, storage and edit of audiovisual data produced by end-users. Moreover, the ability to create video summaries automatically and fast will also be available. Usually, videos related to cultural events, filming at monuments and archaeological sites, have large duration, therefore such video summaries constitute a valuable knowledge and contribute to the promotion and enhancement of cultural heritage. Emphasis will be given to processing of news and documentaries .