• White Fox S.A.

About us:

  • TV Production - Distribution Company
  • Our services include every stage of an audiovisual production (green room, HD DSLR Cameras, Recording Services, Editing Services) and the creation and implementation of artistic events.
  • The last three years (2011-2013), White Fox is the only Greek exhibitor company at the largest markets and showcases for international TV content development (Cannes: MIPDOC, MIPTV,  MIPCOM, Prague, Istanbul: DISCOP)
  • Distributes documentary series with medical, historical and pilgrimage content in 11 countries worldwide.



  • Historical Pilgrimages”: A documentary series with historical and pilgrimage content. The series travels and traces cultural roots of many cities in five different countries. We travel across Istanbul and Cappadocia, Olympus, Meteora and Patmos, Cyprus, Bursa, Jerusalem and Alexandria.

  • Forms & Colors”: Sightseeing tour of museums in Greece (20 episodes)

  • Olympic routes”: Tour through the history of the Olympic Games  (20 episodes- Hellenic Public Radio Television)

Culture & Society

  • Tracing”: Tracing is a social documentary series that travels all over Greece. We trace evidence and stories that give us hope through the vision of professionals, volunteers and organizations who assist and support the vulnerable groups of the population. The protagonists are the unemployed, the homeless, the financially weak, children growing up in child care centers, youth who are struggling to get rid of addicting substances, etc.

Health & Wellness

  • Disease and…ease”: According to the statistics and the predictions of the World Health Organization, there are diseases that we all live or will, directly or indirectly, do so during the 21st century. What are these? How do we treat them? How far has science progressed? Is there any optimistic perspective and where is it lying? Find your answers in this scientific and medical documentary series filmed in Greece, the USA and Canada, which hosts leading scientists in their specialty from all around the world. (36 episodes)
  • Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer, Coronary heart disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Asthma, Myocardial Infarction, Colon Cancer, Diabetes, etc.

Educational and kids programs

  • A production that consists of a large number of episodes of cartoons (that have been dubbed by professionals) aims at both entertaining and educating at the same time. Moreover, videos regarding topics like modern lifestyle, cultural issues, technology, innovations, food and medicine are only but a few of our productions of educational videos.

  • iPhone breast cancer app
  • “Rastamouse” dubbed in greek and distribution in Greece and Cyprus
  • “Martha Speaks” dubbed in greek and distribution in Greece and Cyprus

Corporate Videos - Social Campaigns

A company’s online presence and promotion is very important.
Corporate videos are, frequently, the most valuable tools for presentations, while, also, introducing the company into new markets, improving the inter-relationship between the company and its customers and they are essential for massive presentations, needed in the powerful online marketing sector.

Social campaign seeks to develop and integrate marketing concepts with other approaches to influence behaviors that benefit individuals and communities for the greater social good.

(Transparency International – Greece, City of Athens etc.)

Clients - Partnerships:

  • Companies – Institutions
  • Athens – Macedonian Press Agency
  • City of Athens
  • Transparency International – Greece
  • Municipality of Evropos
  • Municipality of Oropos
  • Municipality of Penteli
  • Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Hellenic Postbank S.A.
  • Apostoli (Non-governmental organization of the Church of Greece)
  • Ecumenical Patriarchate
  • Cosmote
  • Frei S.A
  • Municipality of Dionysos

TV stations

  • Alpha Tv
  • Channel 9
  • Cosmos Tv
  • CYTA (Cyprus)
  • Deutsche Welle
  • Digital Media (USA)
  • English Club
  • Hellenic Public Radio Television
  • Plus TV
  • Planeta (Germany, Switzerland, Austria)
  • Prisma+
  • Vesti (RU)
  • Wolrd Wide Entertainment
  • Dh Deoode Canada
  • Encyclopeaedia Channel (UK)
  • Russian Tv Channel


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