************ class NaiveFileMetadataManagerTest ************ [2021/12/18, minor textual edit] testGetDataFileWrongFile() This is just a test to show how we handle the case of exceptions being fired during execution of tests. It ended up there when my implementation fired a NullPointerException when I passed a null File as a parameter to the constructor that I used, and my implementation issued a NullPointerException. In case your implementation covers that, and no Exception is fired, the test will fail. => For all practical purposes, you can comment-out the @Test annotation and then it is not executed. *************** class StructuredFileManagerTest *************** [2021/12/11] all the invocations of fileManager.getFileColumnNames() in the various @Test The interface StructuredFileManagerInterface prescribes a null return value for the method public String[] getFileColumnNames(String pAlias) in case of a non-existent file. The test, on the other hand, assumes that the method returns a zero-sized aray of strings /* return new String[0]; */ So, these two are imcompatible. => you can fix this in any way you prefer: (a) in your class that materializes StructuredFileManagerInterface, make the method getFileColumnNames() return a null value for non-registered files, and modify the test correctly or (b) modify the prescription of the method and return a zero-sized array of strings instead of a null *************** class NaiveApplicationController *************** [2021/12/11] class NaiveApplicationController should be used a demo class to help you build your own AppController. Instead of changing NaiveApplicationController, better build one of your own.